Memorial Hospital
Yorktown Texas
Season 2 - Episode 4 | 53 minutes | 2024
Known as one of the most haunted locations in the world, Yorktown Memorial Hospital stands as a reminder of pain, heartache, and now...terror! Darkness lives within these walls and it isn't just ghosts or spirits who reside here. With it's dark past, it's no wonder why we encountered one of our most intense paranormal investigations ever!
Yorktown Memorial Hospital History
About 80 miles southeast of San Antonio, Yorktown has a population that barely exceeds a couple thousand. There's a good reason people stay far, far away from this town. It's home to the most haunted place on Earth. It’s 30,00 square feet with a basement and 2 wings. The 2nd floor was strictly living quarters for those who worked there.
Yorktown Memorial Hospital was built in 1951 and run by the Felician Sisters of the Roman Catholic Church. Its name paid homage to those from Yorktown who fought and lost their lives during WWII.
One of the well-known doctors there was Dr. Leon Norwierski. He was an older doctor who practiced until his 90s. He even held the oldest medical license in Texas. He was known for his fatal mistakes, especially during operations. He even accidentally slit the throat of a patient while operating on his thyroid.
It operated as a hospital until 1986, after which point it became a drug rehabilitation center until 1988. Another facility in Cuero, Texas was opened up just a few miles away so the facility was almost put out of business. The facility was decommissioned entirely in 1992, and it's been left to decay ever since.
Paranormal History
The abandoned Yorktown Memorial Hospital was actually named the most haunted place on Earth by The Sun, a UK-based publisher. Complete with long, narrow corridors, sickly green walls, and nearly 2,000 deaths under its belt, this hospital is a hub for paranormal activity. It’s open for public tours and overnight investigations.
Nearly 2,000 people have died here as a guessed estimate. Reports of disembodied voices. Sounds of wheelchairs creaking down the long and narrow corridors. Violent nun apparitions. Orbs down the hallways. Shadow figures. The Ghost of Dr. Leon Norwierski seen.
A little girl named Stacy has been seen & heard playing in basement hallways. Nuns read the Pokey Little Puppy to her. She is said to be 8 years old and can roll a ball if requested. Rumored that the book had a handwritten note from Dr. Norwierski. Dr Leon Norwierski was obsessed with her. Stacy likes to be read to.
The Felician Sisters have been known to push, shove, and become violent. Also known to scratch people, choke them or rush at them. Often seen on 2nd floor living quarters. Rumored to go after people with tattoos. They have also been photographed. They raised half a million dollars and put in a chapel. Like to be treated respectfully. They have been said to be violent even hitting someone in the face. The priest is rumored to have impregnated nuns and have violated patients.
Behind The Scenes
Yorktown Memorial Hospital had quite a few surprises for us that we didn't expect. As we explored the hospital with just James and Angela, a nurse was seen completing her rounds. This was during broad daylight!
Before the sun even began to set, MP Paranormal and SPI witnessed a ghastly encounter as "the Priest" spirit made threats on the spirit box and yanked Angela's hat directly off of her head while mocking her and other crew members.
When the sun set, things got dicier. During filming Lynette of SPI was possessed off camera and had to rest just to get her composure back. We believe she was taken over by a nurse and then by the infamous Doctor himself. This had her drained up until the morning and delayed capturing further investigation with the Estes Method.
Angela and Michelle even encountered a shadow figure by their vehicles so we know these spirits are NOT simple confined to the building but are present on the grounds as well.
Bonus Footage
Did you enjoy the episode? There was so much more that happened in addition to what was shown in the episode. Tune in to what has NEVER been uncovered before by any other paranormal investigation team here before us! Here's the TRUE story of the double murder suicide that happened in these very walls.

Season 2 Episode 3: Watson House
Formerly used as a fanciful funeral parlor, this haunted home has many spirits and secrets hidden within its walls.